
Preparing Manuscript

Extended Abstract Submission

A two-page extended abstract will be published in the conference proceedings (compilation of all 2-page extended abstracts). To include your abstract in the book of abstracts, please use the template provided below.

Full Paper Publication

Qualified papers will be published in one of the following journals (selection depends on the topic of the article). The editorial team will send you the template by e-mail (if any). However, depending on the journal, certain publication fees may apply.

Writing Ethics

As authors of research articles, you are expected to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct in your work. You should report your findings and methods accurately and honestly, without omitting or manipulating any data. You should also disclose the sources of funding, data, and ideas that supported your work, and cite them appropriately. You should avoid any form of plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, and duplication, as these are serious violations of academic integrity and can damage your reputation and credibility. By following these ethical guidelines, you will ensure that your work is trustworthy, reproducible, and valuable to the scientific community and society at large.